
We are closed !!

Are you wondering when it will finally start again?
We are already preparing for the new ice season.
Start is on 03/28/20around
We are really looking forward to it.
Greetings Wenke, Frank, Theo, Helga and the entire team from Hofmann's delicious ice cream from the farm

We are looking for reinforcements!
We are looking for a seller for the upcoming ice cream season.
We offer a great team, flexible working days and much more.
If interested, please report. Either via Facebook or directly via the contact form on the homepage.
We look forward to you

The Hofmann family and the entire team

Bewerbung ->hier klicken
Hofmanns Eis vom Bauernhof

about us

Hi there. We are Wenke and Frank Hofmann from Freudental.
Here on the farm, north and south, east and west meet.
Young and old enjoy our homemade ice cream. From freshly milked milk ......

Eisbecher, Heidelbeeren, Heidelbeer,  Sahne, Waffeln


Our ice cream is lactose and gluten free. In addition, without preservatives and without artificial flavors. Only high quality raw materials are processed. You can find the types of ice cream here
Kühe, Eis, Milch, Milchhäuschen


Sie möchten wissen, wo die Milch für unser Eis her kommt? Und ab wann eine Kuh eine Kuh ist? Das erfahren Sie hier
24 h Milchautomat. Milch zum selber zapfen


Für Frühaufsteher und Nachtschwärmer
Sie trinken gerne frische Kuhmilch  und möchten wissen wo Sie welche bekommen?

Milk houses

Was gibt's neues?

Hier werden wir Sie über Neuigkeiten wie z.B. neue Eissorten und was sonst noch alles bei uns auf dem Hof los ist, informieren.
  • Wir haben Geschlossen
  • Saison Beginn: 28.03.20 um 15 Uhr
  • Ab sofort sind wir auch bei Instagram  -> hofmanns.eis

Haben Sie Fragen, Wünsche oder Anregungen 
rund um unseren Hof?


Übrigens :

Free parking spaces are available on our farm during opening hours.

You ran out of air or on Tire on your bike has a hole?
Then contact us. We provide you free materials to repair minor breakdowns or inflate their tires again.
A Charging station for your e-bike we also have.
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